Featured Fragrances

Best Diffuser Ever
I can tell you, I had reservations about the Sienna, but after using it for the last few weeks I have to say... It's really really nice. I was initially concerned that the oil wouldn’t last very long, however, I was surprised. After nearly a month of running at grade level 2 more than half the bottle is still left. This will last way longer than the plug-ins I’ve been buying.
Hope K

Love my Sienna
I’m totally hooked. I just purchased my second Sienna. I have one in the kitchen and the new one will go in the bedroom. I have my Kitchen diffuser set to grade level 2 and that seems to do the trick. So far my favorite fragrance is Retreat and Sun Kissed Citrus. I highly recommend giving this a try. You’ll love it!
Jon K

Sienna Diffuser is the way to go
I was hesitant to purchase a diffuser online but felt the need to get away from using candles. They are dangerous and just don’t last long enough. I decided to do a little math and using the Sienna could save me money. After using it, It is an awesome diffuser. The fragrances smell classy. People come into my apartment and always comment on how good it smells. The app is easy to use and allows you to set up specific times and days you want to run your diffuser. Bottom line is... I love this thing!